Wellness & Resiliency Support Services Organizations

Many first responder support services organizations are focusing on mental wellness and resilience efforts to support first responders excel in their careers. Find unique resources offered within these organizations to help you, your agency, and your family thrive.

Wellness and Resilience Resources to fit your needs


Below you will find an array of wellness resources and organizations that serve first responders in various capacities of wellness. If you are seeking specific resources on the following topics, please click the link to take you to a resource page specifically dedicated to these topics.

Mental Wellness & Resiliency

Support Services Organizations

Illinois Critical Incident Stress Management Teams

Critical Incident Stress Management Teams includes trained mental health providers and peers from law enforcement, fire service, and dispatch to provide defusing, debriefing, demobilization, one on one support, and on scene support for critical incidents. Resources are also available for educational presentations regarding critical incident stress.

National Suicide Awareness for Law enforcement Officers Program

The mission is simple: prevent suicides among law enforcement officers through raising awareness and reducing the stigma of seeking help.

Illinois Critical Incident Stress Management Team

Critical Incident Stress Management Teams includes trained mental health providers and peers from law enforcement, fire service, and dispatch to provide defusing, debriefing, demobilization, one on one support, and on scene support for critical incidents. Resources are also available for educational presentations regarding critical incident stress.

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